Author: AdminMigrato

  • Notice board at Ascó’s ramp


    Once finished the fish ramp at Ascó’s weir, it becomes essential to give information about this work, its purpose and the aim’s that LIFE Migratoebre project wants to achieve with it. Fish species who live there will be able to use it to make the migratory movements which are necessary in their biology, and therefore…

  • Eels radio tracking in Ebre river

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    Last 2017 November some electric fishing was done to catch and tag with radiotransmitters migratory fish, and in particular adult eels. About 60 specimen from this species have been caught and tagged, and will be used to track their movements along Ebre river and also to check how do they use all fish passes created…

  • New educational material


    After travelling around Ebre Territory during 2016 and 2017, the travelling exhibition about Ebre river and LIFE Migratoebre project faces 2018 new season travelling around Catalonia where it will be welcome at centers, museums and institutions that also have touristic visits from abroad. Therefore, a special translated guides have been prepared in English and Spanish,…

  • Exhibition in Xerta


    During Sant Martí de Xerta’s town fair LIFE Migratoebre exhibition has been scheduled at the Town Hall’s multipurpose room. The exhibition is open to all kind of public all day long, so people can visit it the moment they prefer. Good to mention that Xerta is where one of the main works in Ebre river…

  • Fish ramp at Ascó

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    One of the most expected works to allow fish migration, Ebro’s ecological connectivity and also to allow kayak and canoe navigation is the ramp at Asco’s weir. Eventually last summer the works started, and in few days the final result could be foreseen.  It is expected to be operational by the ends of summer!

  • Travelling Exhibition at Riba-roja d’Ebre


    During the local fair days at Riba-roja d’Ebre, from the 24th August to the 2nd Septembre 2017, the travelling exhibition about Ebro river and LIFE Migratoebre project was placed at the plenary room of Riba-roja town hall, where it enjoyed a very spacious room that allowed to show the exhibition with all its boards. It was…

  • Exhibition at Sant Jaume d’Enveja


    From the 7th, July to the 6th, August 2017, the travelling exhibition will be ready to visit at Francesc Balagué Bibliary, at Sant Jaume d’Enveja. During this Summer period there will also be eduactional and guided tours available, organized by Museu de les Terres de l’Ebre.

  • At Firebre in Benifallet

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    Last 1st and 2nd July took place Firebre in Benifallet, where  LIFE Migratoebre project was present with its fish mockups, educational materials and a small sample of the Exhibition about Ebre river and LIFE Migratoebre project. In an excepcional scenario such as the village’s old washing place, it had such a warm welcome from Firebre’s…

  • Terres Catalunya Award

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    On the last 2nd of June, 2017 took place in Xerta the awards cerimony of the 1st Catalonian Touristic Film International Festival (Terres Catalunya Award). In this contest first edition, the promotional film of LIFE Migratoebre project received the first prize of the corporate communication section. Congratulations!.

  • LIFE Miera II Seminar


    On the 7th and 8th June 2017 we have attended the II Seminar organized by   Fundación Naturaleza y Hombre as LIFE Miera project Coordinating Beneficiary, with a lectures’ programme to learn about different studies, projects and actions related to the management and conservation of rivers, species and habitats, wich were very interesting. We have…

  • Migratory fish marking and monitoring

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    During the month of May 2017 electric fishing has taken place in Ebre river to capture migratory fish, mark them with radio trasmitters and release them up-river. At the same time radio receivers have been strategically placed in the river, from Ascó to the mouth. These radio receivers will allow monitoring on these marked fishes…

  • LIFE Programme 25th Anniversary


    On the 19th May, 2017 LIFE Migratoebre project took part on the celebration day of the LIFE Programme 25th Anniversary at Deltebre. The results for some LIFE projects implemented at Ebre Delta as field of influence were reported and explained. The event closed with a debate round table.