Author: AdminMigrato

  • Travelling exhibition at La Ràpita

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    The travelling exhibition about Ebre and LIFE Migratoebre project will be at Museu de la Mar in Sant Carles de la Ràpita from the 19th of May to the 25th of June. We expect the visit of students of La Ràpita to learn, with educational activities, the struggle that migratory fish go through and the…

  • WFMD 2017

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    On the 19th and 20th May, 2017 took place the World Fish Migration Day celebration with games, workshops, talks, fish releases  and exhibitions at Museu de la Mar at La Ràpita, at Sebes Reserve and Flix mander, at Deltebre’s Ecomuseu and at MónNatura Delta. Children have learnt about migratory fish, its life, the problems they…

  • LIFE Migratoebre at II Catalunya Water Congress

    On the 22 and 23, March, 2017, on behalf of the II Catalonia Water Congress (, which took place at CosmoCaixa in Barcelona, we have submitted the objectives of LIFE Migratoebre project and the stage of the performed actions. Ecological connectivity in Ebre river to allow fish natural migration, viability study of the reproductive populations…

  • European Comission visit


    On the 21st and 22nd march 2017, European Comission visited us to see and value  LIFE MIGRATOEBRE project’s actions progress. European Comission representative has been able to visit the sites where the fish passes will be done in Ebre river (Flix dam and Ascó and Xerta’s weir), the travelling exhibition about Ebre and LIFE Migratoebre in…

  • Exhibition at Móra d’Ebre

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    From Friday 10th March until Sunday, 2 of April, the travelling exhibition dedicated to the river and to LIFE Migratoebre project will be in the hall of the Theatre La Llanterna, in Móra d’Ebre. We expect the visit of the town schools, so students can better understand the problems their river is suffering and the…

  • Visit to a navigation lock and fish pass in France

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    Last February 15th, 2017, a LIFE Migratoebre project group visited the facilities of the navigation lock, fish slope and pass that Roine river has in  Montelimar (France). With this visit they took examples and experiences of the running of this kind of fish passes and their applicability in Ebre river.

  • To understand Sturgeon’s life

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    From January 2017, the Ecomuseu of the Delta de l’Ebre natural Park has in its aquariums a new information boards about LIFE Migratoebre project and European Sturgeon. Taking advantatge of the presence of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii in a big aquarium, these boards help visitors to know better about sturgeons’ life, their features and common…

  • Advisory Scientific Board 3rd visit


    On the 24th January 2017 took place the 3rd meeting of the LIFE Migratoebre Advisory Scientific Board, where the results of the works in actions A1  on s’han presentat els resultats dels treballs de les accions A1 (Identification of potential spawning areas for sturgeon, twaite shad and sea lamprey), D2 (Monitoring the target fish population of…

  • Travelling exhibition in Flix


    From the 12th to the 25th January 2017 the exhibition about Ebre river and LIFE Migratoebre project is at Ca Don Ventura hall in Flix.  A great welcome and expectation during its opening can foretell a good acceptance and general public attendance.

  • European eels release in Ebre river


    IRTA is studying the potential use of technologies for fish farming. Once ended a test with 1.200 eels, about 500 have been marked with PIT Tags and have been released in Ebre river to favour its populations and to track them through the new fish passes in Xerta and Ascó’s weirs with the sistems set up…

  • New educational material

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    With the Exhibition about Ebre anb LIFE Migratoebre project travelling around Ebre’s municipalities during 2016 and 2017, some educational materials have been designed and produced, directed towards the visits of students at 4th. grade of Primary School, so they can enjoy an educational activity with a specialized instructor. The Teacher Book and the Student Book…

  • Educational activities at the Travelling exhibition

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    On Septembre 2016 started school visits to the travelling exhibition on LIFE Migratoebre project and the Ebre river lower strech. These visits are guided visits and will be complemented with educational materials designed on purpose for Primary and Secondary school students (9 to 16). About 40 groups of students from the surrounding villages are expected…