Author: AdminMigrato

  • Travelling Exhibition on Ebre River Opening


    On the 21 July 2016 took place the opening of the travelling exhibition about Ebre river and LIFE Migratoebre project at the Museu de les Terres de l’Ebre, in Amposta. The exhibition will visit Ebre’s municipalities during 2016 and 2017, where also some students will visit it and the educational activitties will take place. The aim…

  • Visit of LIFE Migratoebre external monitor


    On the 19th and 20th July, 2016, Mr. José Álvarez, the project’s external monitor, visited us. With him we have reviewd all actions till now. He has instructed us on how to focus new actions and he has been able to visit the Exhibition on Ebre river and LIFE Migratoebre project at the Museu de…

  • 7th Canoe Ebro descent


    On Sunday 3rd July 2016 the project was present at the 6th Ebre rowing descent, organized every year by IDECE. This time from Móra d’Ebre to Miravet. More than 1.000 people were present at the popular event and showed their interest in the project. During the event, Tortosa Castellers were also present performing a small…

  • Ebro river spawning areas cartography


    Cartopgraphy of potential spawning areas for sturgeon, sea lamprey and twaite shad in Ebro stretch between Xerta weir and Flix is ready.Teh result is more than satisfactory as many optimal points for these species spawning have been identified. This gives us many success guarantees regarding the sturgeon reintroduction in Ebro river, the fish passes installation…

  • Fish marking in Ebro


    using electric fishing method, technicians from Delta de l’Ebre natural Park, Mediterranean Studies Center and IRTA identified, measured and marked with pit-tags the migratory fish specimina (and others used as a reference) to be able to do monitoring of their movements with the receivers that will be placed in strategic points along the river: elevator,…

  • World Fish Migration Day 2016


    On the 20th and 21st May, 2016 numerous activities for children and families have been held on the World Fish Migrayion Day (‪#‎WFMD2016‬) and the World Red Natura 2000 Day (‪#‎Natura2000Day‬) at Sebes (Flix), at Delta’s Ecomuseu and at MónNatura Delta. Almost 150 people took part at these activities to raise awareness on rivers ecology,…

  • Hungarian delegation visit


    On the 13th May 2016 a delegation from the Department of Nature Conservation of Hungary Agriculture Ministry visited LIFE Migratoebre project. They have visited for a week different LIFE projects in Cataloniam chosen for their interest in nature coservation.

  • At Expo Ebre 2016 Exhibition


    LIFE Migratoebre project was present again at 72nd ExpoEbre Exhibition which took place at a Tortosa on 28th, 29th, 30th April and 1st of May. With the real size mock-ups of the migratory fish, visitors were curious to know the details of the project.

  • Tools for the migratory fish monitoring


    During this Spring we will start monitoring migratory fish. They will be captured by electrofishing, and will be marked and released. These marks will be used to observe how do fish move along the different stretches of the river, specially where works have been made to improve river connectivity, that is to say, Ascó’s ramp,…

  • With the “Green Schools”


    El 28 de abril de 2016 se ha realitzado en Tortosa una Jornada de Intercanvio Territorial sobre Participación donde estaban invitadas todas las escuelas del Programa Escoles Verdes de las Terres de Tarragona. Han asistido casi 100 alumnes y profesores de primaria i secundária, donde han podido conocer el proyecto LIFE Migratoebre.

  • Results of the Ebro water quality monitoring report 2014-2015


    During the years 2014 and 2015 data from 15 sampling stations at Ebro river, from Mequinenza to the mouth, have been collected and analysed. This is one of the monitoring reports included in the Life Migratoebre Project, which will be compiled and published on a yearly basis. You can find the comlete report here.

  • New dissemination materials


    Already available new dissemination materials: A poster about migratory fish Ebro habitat in A3 size to hang and decorate work places, and a sheet with basic information about the project and a serial of children games that will help children to discover and understand the values of the river, of migratory fish, its problems and…