Author: AdminMigrato

  • Agreement with Fundación Biodiversidad

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    Fundación Biodiversidad grants an economic help of 39.317’50 € as joint financing for  Life MIGRATOEBRE project. This help will allow the management plan of the project preparation, compilation of Ebro fish data, production of technical environmental prescripcions for the new fish pass devices, coordination of the Advisory Board and the developement of evaluation methodologies.

  • LIFE Migratoebre project has its operational web page

    , in the new web domain where people can find all the information about Life Migratoebre project, the foreseen actions, download documents, read news and follow the emerging news, as it was foreseen in action E.1. The Project has also a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram profile, so it becomes easier and more interesting to follow the…

  • Scientific assessment committee visit


    Last 27th and 28th October 2014, LIFE MigratoEbre Project had the visit of the Scientific Assessment Committee. This Committee, an advisory and assessment body formed by renowned Catalan and international experts in fish field and in its status improvement (Universities of Girona, Lleida and Santiago de Compostela, or institutions as IRSTEA o MIGADO, from France, amongst…

  • Life Migratoebre Project has already graphic identity


    Just as it was previously established in the Project, Life Migratoebre project has its graphic identity available since last December. It will serve to uniform all project promotion material, and to help the project to be easily recognized among public.

  • Visit to Golfech dam (Toulouse, France)


    Some partners of the project visited during last October Golfech nuclear central and dam, where they could study the fish elevators present in this facility in order to better plan action C.1.